yvette cherry

Dolly’s Dream

The parents of Dolly Everett, a 14 year old girl who took her own life after being bullied, have created a very powerful video to address cyber bullying.

2019-10-03T11:55:07+10:003 October 2019|Trending|

The Unhurried Ox

Every time I read this scripture I feel I am missing something. How do I get this rest you speak of? How do I get away with God and recover my life?

2019-08-19T18:37:41+10:0019 August 2019|Faith|

I Joined the Gym

I tried the spin class and almost died. The lady on the bike next to me was also there for the first time. When we did the standing ride, I almost fell off.

2019-08-12T11:06:24+10:0012 August 2019|Lifestyle|


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